Term 2 Begins

A selection of photos showing what we’ve been up to this week! Some highlights include:

  • Learning facts about China
  • Making decorative lanterns and fans
  • Forming Mandarin characters
  • Tasting Chinese food
  • Learning about the orange ’emotion words’ cog
  • Writing imaginative stories
  • Playing doubling and halving games
  • Listening to P4-6’s presentations about their chosen country
  • Dress up, Dress down Friday

It’s been so lovely to welcome everyone back for our second term and to see lots of smiley faces this week. On Monday, we look forward to starting our new topic all about Space! Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

Sampling Chinese Food

On Monday afternoon, P1-6 were surprised to receive a parcel from China! This was sent by Wooly the Sheep, who has been travelling around the world but will be returning to Daviot soon. Everyone was excited to see that, among other items, Wooly had sent some traditional Chinese food.

As with the previous offerings from Scotland and the USA, we would love to have a tasting session. During the session, we will follow the current COVID rules relating to hygiene and take into consideration known food allergies. The tasting would include: prawn crackers, noodles and fortune cookies. Children can choose not to try these if they prefer.

Please could you let me know as soon as possible (sarah.costa@highland.gov.uk) whether you wish your child NOT to participate in the food tasting this week. We are hoping to have our session TOMORROW or FRIDAY afternoon.

Many thanks,

Miss Costa

Fun in the leaves!

The children had a great day back at school and really enjoyed building and throwing the leaves around. One of them even described it as the best day EVER! We would love to continue playing in the wet leaves so please could children bring in spare clothes, especially socks and perhaps boots and waterproofs.

Term 2 Begins Tomorrow

We are super excited to welcome everyone back to school tomorrow. We hope you have all had a relaxing break.

All children will require PE kit for tomorrow, it will be outdoors and pupils should come wearing this and will stay in it all day. Pupils will also require a filled water bottle, an indoor pair of shoes and warm clothing (jacket and suitable footwear) for the glorious Daviot weather.

We look forward to seeing you all at 8.45 tomorrow.

End of Term 1 Photos

What a busy end of term we’ve had! Our final week began by playing hockey games and developing our skills with Miss Purves.
As well as our continued phonics, spelling, reading, touch typing and number practice, some of the older pupils created engaging and attractive board games based on rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. On Friday morning, we had fun playing these games with different friends.
We also enjoyed finishing off our ‘Around the world’ topic by recording known facts about Scotland and the USA using the Padlet app, and having a delicious food tasting afternoon!
To finish off our week, everyone watched the movie ‘Inside Out’ and coloured in topic picture clues that were put together like a puzzle. Can you guess what our next topic will be?
Well done to everyone for their effort and enthusiasm this term! Wishing all our families and friends a lovely break, and we look forward to seeing you back on Monday 26th October. 🙂

End of Term Messages

It has been an extraordinary term, the highlight of which has been seeing the children return happily and enthusiastically to learning at school.

On behalf of the staff I would like to thank you all for your continued support as we all navigate uncertain and anxious times. We appreciate the partnership we enjoy in working together to do the very best we can for the children.

I share with you two letters: The first to parents and carers from Nicky Grant, Executive Chief Officer for Education, and Jason Hasson, chair of the Highland Parent Council Partnership. The second is from Nicky to the children, which I hope you will share with them.

This October break will see many of us not necessarily enjoying the travel and activities we had planned or hoped for. Nonetheless I hope you can enjoy some family time together for relaxation and rest.

Take care,

Mrs Pirie

Free School Meals Information from Highland Council

Highland pupils, eligible for free school meals, to receive vouchers if they are asked to self-isolate

Highland school pupils asked to self-isolate from school during term time, through Test & Protect, who are eligible to receive means-tested free school meals, will receive vouchers to cover their isolation period.

The Council will automatically pay £15 per pupil per week. Vouchers are paid to P1-3 pupils in receipt of school clothing grants and P4-S6 pupils in receipt of free school meals.

Highland Council’s Welfare Support Team can support low income families who may be eligible to apply but have not already claimed free school meals and school clothing grants.

They can be contacted on 0800 090 1004 or by email to welfare.support@highland.gov.uk

Chair of Highland Council’s Education Committee, Cllr John Finlayson, said: “It is crucial that we support those in our community who will undoubtedly find it a struggle if their child is asked to self-isolate at home due to COVID-19.”

“I hope that the support these vouchers provide will offer some reassurance to families that they are not alone during this very challenging time. The right support in the right places has never been as important as we continue to feel the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. We know that school meals are often the most nutritious meal some children eat during the day and self-isolation would only exacerbate those hardships.”

“I very much welcome this news, as I am sure do the families who will benefit from it.” 

End of Topic Surprise

This week we would love to round off our topic about countries with a food tasting session. Wooly, the missing sheep, has been on lots of adventures and has very kindly sent us some food on his travels including haggis, hot dogs, Twinkies, shortbread, GIANT marshmallows, porridge etc. All dietary requirements will be observed and the children will have the option to try or NOT try if they wish. All food will be prepared and pre-plated for the children following strict COVID hygiene guidelines.

Please could you let me know (arlene.beattie2@highland.gov.uk) if you wish your child NOT to take part in the food tasting this week.

Many thanks, Mrs Beattie