End of Term 1 Photos

What a busy end of term we’ve had! Our final week began by playing hockey games and developing our skills with Miss Purves.
As well as our continued phonics, spelling, reading, touch typing and number practice, some of the older pupils created engaging and attractive board games based on rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. On Friday morning, we had fun playing these games with different friends.
We also enjoyed finishing off our ‘Around the world’ topic by recording known facts about Scotland and the USA using the Padlet app, and having a delicious food tasting afternoon!
To finish off our week, everyone watched the movie ‘Inside Out’ and coloured in topic picture clues that were put together like a puzzle. Can you guess what our next topic will be?
Well done to everyone for their effort and enthusiasm this term! Wishing all our families and friends a lovely break, and we look forward to seeing you back on Monday 26th October. 🙂

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